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Rain, wine and cheese ;) (Gelesen: 7660 mal)
Simbel Sigbjornsdottir

Beiträge: 6
Geschlecht: female
Rain, wine and cheese ;)
10.06.13 um 18:43:14
Hallo zusammen, and hello to all the guys whom I had the pleasure of seeing again at Bouvines this weekend. I hope you had a gute reise ( see, I remembered ^^) Thank you for accepting me here.

My name is Leïla and I am part of Grävlingar (aka the badgers),a small viking and norman group in Lyon, France. I have always been interested in medieval history but my first love is combat, I like to fight with a round shield and a viking sword and I'm not too bad with a spear ^^
Apart from fighting, I like sewing and medieval crafts in general, which gives me the opportunity to make a lot of the costumes and accessories for my friends.

Lyon is almost in southern France, and there isn't much viking reenactment going on, so I always try to motivate our group to travel to look for new events (but I don't drive so I have to ask the guys very nicely ^^). Our group is affiliated to The Vikings UK, and we participate in Hastings every year, as well as other events when we can. We also have good contacts in northern Italy,and our most exciting next project is to participate in 2014 in the reenactment of an 11th century battle in southern Italy, with a byzantine & varangian army versus a norman army.

We haven't been to Germany yet, so if you ever feel like accepting french reenactors, you can keep us informed on your events ^^ If you want to go to events in the UK ( there is the 13thc. battle of Largs in august for example), I can inform you as well. We also hope to create an event for july 2014 near Lyon and the plan is to invite french and foreign troops, so I'll keep you posted on that if you think you can make the journey. 

Anyway, this is getting long, so I  really hope to see you next year or sooner, thank you all again for the lovely evening spent in your company sharing alcohol and stories, and thank you Ares for keeping me hydrated with water, I'm sure that I avoided a terrible hangover thanks to you, you're a gentleman.  Smiley
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Homepage Simbel Sigbjornsdottir symbel4 https://www.facebook.com/Symbelmune?ref=tn_tnmn  
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Ares Hjaldar de Borg
FN Mitglied

a furore normannorum libera
nos domine...

Beiträge: 3646
Geschlecht: male
Re: Rain, wine and cheese ;)
Antwort #1 - 10.06.13 um 19:47:12
Hey P.I.T.A.,
good to see you here. I guess there was no chance of getting dehydrated under those biblical conditions, so my share wasn't that decisive. Thanks for the nice evening with you guys, and thank you for giving me shelter for the night. My first field experience with a french movie quote (well, close enough), btw: "merci pour votre hospitalité" (Inglorious basterds). I'm pretty sure I pronounced it like a barbarian, but you might just appreciate the effort. Zwinkernd

Best wishes and perfect weather for your wedding, keep in touch!
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The monks wanted God to deliver them from our fury. Seems like God is on our side - we deliver more souls.
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Simbel Sigbjornsdottir

Beiträge: 6
Geschlecht: female
Re: Rain, wine and cheese ;)
Antwort #2 - 10.06.13 um 20:18:25
Thanks, yeah my shoes and my clothes were very "hydrated" as well. I don't know if it's the right place to share the pictures, but here's what we have so far :

Few pics of the line and one or two of you guys, they should be accessible to all by following this facebook link

And another set by one of the civilians attending the event:https://picasaweb.google.com/106034133316648567849/Bouevines2013?authkey=G
v1sRgCPPH5tHburaFsQE&noredirect=1  (somehow it's not working so I'll forward you the original link by email)
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Homepage Simbel Sigbjornsdottir symbel4 https://www.facebook.com/Symbelmune?ref=tn_tnmn  
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Ares Hjaldar de Borg
FN Mitglied

a furore normannorum libera
nos domine...

Beiträge: 3646
Geschlecht: male
Re: Rain, wine and cheese ;)
Antwort #3 - 10.06.13 um 20:23:03
There's going to be a "official" photo thread some time this week, but thanks for posting them. I'm currently working my way through my pictures Zwinkernd
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The monks wanted God to deliver them from our fury. Seems like God is on our side - we deliver more souls.
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Beiträge: 1502
Geschlecht: male
Re: Rain, wine and cheese ;)
Antwort #4 - 10.06.13 um 21:20:27
Hi Leïla! It's nice seeing you here! Welcome to our board.  Smiley
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